Ubuntu Server Linux

Install Calyptia Core on top of Ubuntu Server Linux

Supported Versions


Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS


Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS


ARM64 is currently under limited support, please get in touch with us if you require ARM64 support.

Download and Install

You can run the following command to install Calyptia Core on Ubuntu Server. This install both calyptia cli and calyptia core. However, does not onboard to https://core.calyptia.com

curl -sSfL https://core-packages.calyptia.com/install-core.sh | bash

Onboarding to Calyptia Core

After you have run the install command, you can navigate to https://core.calyptia.com > New Core Instance

After filling in the proper parameters and clicking Next you can see a Calyptia CLI command to copy and paste

calyptia create core_instance kubernetes \
--name test \
--tags test

If you are using custom certificates and CA, use the following --no-tls-verify in the install script to still enable encryption

Health checks

As part of the install script, we perform the following checks to ensure proper installation. These include the following items:

  1. Installation of curl

  2. Installation of systemctl

  3. Basic system requirements

  4. FIPS mode not enabled

  5. Firewall enabled

  6. Connectivity to https://cloud-api.calyptia.com

  7. Connectivity to https://ghcr.io/calyptia/core

  8. SELinux status

Last updated