Upgrading Calyptia Core

The primary way to upgrade Calyptia Core is to use Helm. The following page gives additional details on commands and upgrade impact.

Helm commands

Upgrading the Helm Repo

helm repo update 

Upgrading Calyptia Core

Note: The following command assumes that this has been deployed under the calyptia namespace.

helm upgrade calyptia-core calyptia/core -n calyptia

Affect on running pipelines

Running pipelines will remain running throughout the upgrade process and in some cases will require a restart. In the case of a restart the default method used is a Rolling Restart, which will individually restart each replica of a pipeline one by one or in the case of a single replica, create a new replica prior to restarting.

Upgrade/Downgrade to a specific version

Calyptia Core installation can be upgraded/downgraded to a specific version with the following command:

helm upgrade calyptia-core calyptia/core --set project_token=xxxx --set name=<AGGREGATOR_NAME> --set image.tag=v0.1.14

Please note that upgrading in this way, will re-spawn the aggregator pods in the cluster, but deployed pipelines shouldn't be affected.

Release cadence

Calyptia Core has a release cadence every two months.

Last updated