
The Nest Filter plugin allows you to operate on or with nested data. Its modes of operation are

  • nest - Take a set of records and place them in a map

  • lift - Take a map by key and lift its records up

Example usage (nest)

As an example using JSON notation, to nest keys matching the Wildcard value Key* under a new key NestKey the transformation becomes,

Example (input)

  "Key1"     : "Value1",
  "Key2"     : "Value2",
  "OtherKey" : "Value3"

Example (output)

  "OtherKey" : "Value3"
  "NestKey"  : {
    "Key1"     : "Value1",
    "Key2"     : "Value2",

Example usage (lift)

As an example using JSON notation, to lift keys nested under the Nested_under value NestKey* the transformation becomes,

Example (input)

  "OtherKey" : "Value3"
  "NestKey"  : {
    "Key1"     : "Value1",
    "Key2"     : "Value2",

Example (output)

  "Key1"     : "Value1",
  "Key2"     : "Value2",
  "OtherKey" : "Value3"

Configuration Parameters

The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:

Getting Started

In order to start filtering records, you can run the filter from the command line or through the configuration file. The following invokes the Memory Usage Input Plugin, which outputs the following (example),

[0] memory: [1488543156, {""=>1016044, "Mem.used"=>841388, ""=>174656, ""=>2064380, "Swap.used"=>139888, ""=>1924492}]

Example #1 - nest

Command Line

Note: Using the command line mode requires quotes parse the wildcard properly. The use of a configuration file is recommended.

The following command will load the mem plugin. Then the nest filter will match the wildcard rule to the keys and nest the keys matching Mem.* under the new key NEST.

$ bin/calyptia-fluent-bit -i mem -p 'tag=mem.local' -F nest -p 'Operation=nest' -p 'Wildcard=Mem.*' -p 'Nest_under=Memstats' -p 'Remove_prefix=Mem.' -m '*' -o stdout

Configuration File

    Name mem
    Tag  mem.local

    Name  stdout
    Match *

    Name nest
    Match *
    Operation nest
    Wildcard Mem.*
    Nest_under Memstats
    Remove_prefix Mem.


The output of both the command line and configuration invocations should be identical and result in the following output.

[2018/04/06 01:35:13] [ info] [engine] started
[0] mem.local: [1522978514.007359767, {""=>1046524, "Swap.used"=>0, ""=>1046524, "Memstats"=>{"total"=>4050908, "used"=>714984, "free"=>3335924}}]

Example #2 - nest and lift undo

This example nests all Mem.* and Swap,* items under the Stats key and then reverses these actions with a lift operation. The output appears unchanged.

Configuration File

    Name mem
    Tag  mem.local

    Name  stdout
    Match *

    Name nest
    Match *
    Operation nest
    Wildcard Mem.*
    Wildcard Swap.*
    Nest_under Stats
    Add_prefix NESTED

    Name nest
    Match *
    Operation lift
    Nested_under Stats
    Remove_prefix NESTED


[2018/06/21 17:42:37] [ info] [engine] started (pid=17285)
[0] mem.local: [1529566958.000940636, {""=>8053656, "Mem.used"=>6940380, ""=>1113276, ""=>16532988, "Swap.used"=>1286772, ""=>15246216}]

Example #3 - nest 3 levels deep

This example takes the keys starting with Mem.* and nests them under LAYER1, which itself is then nested under LAYER2, which is nested under LAYER3.

Configuration File

    Name mem
    Tag  mem.local

    Name  stdout
    Match *

    Name nest
    Match *
    Operation nest
    Wildcard Mem.*
    Nest_under LAYER1

    Name nest
    Match *
    Operation nest
    Wildcard LAYER1*
    Nest_under LAYER2

    Name nest
    Match *
    Operation nest
    Wildcard LAYER2*
    Nest_under LAYER3


[0] mem.local: [1524795923.009867831, {""=>1046524, "Swap.used"=>0, ""=>1046524, "LAYER3"=>{"LAYER2"=>{"LAYER1"=>{""=>4050908, "Mem.used"=>1112036, ""=>2938872}}}}]


Example #4 - multiple nest and lift filters with prefix

This example starts with the 3-level deep nesting of Example 2 and applies the lift filter three times to reverse the operations. The end result is that all records are at the top level, without nesting, again. One prefix is added for each level that is lifted.

Configuration file

    Name mem
    Tag  mem.local

    Name  stdout
    Match *

    Name nest
    Match *
    Operation nest
    Wildcard Mem.*
    Nest_under LAYER1

    Name nest
    Match *
    Operation nest
    Wildcard LAYER1*
    Nest_under LAYER2

    Name nest
    Match *
    Operation nest
    Wildcard LAYER2*
    Nest_under LAYER3

    Name nest
    Match *
    Operation lift
    Nested_under LAYER3
    Add_prefix Lifted3_

    Name nest
    Match *
    Operation lift
    Nested_under Lifted3_LAYER2
    Add_prefix Lifted3_Lifted2_

    Name nest
    Match *
    Operation lift
    Nested_under Lifted3_Lifted2_LAYER1
    Add_prefix Lifted3_Lifted2_Lifted1_


[0] mem.local: [1524862951.013414798, {""=>1046524, "Swap.used"=>0, ""=>1046524, ""=>4050908, "Lifted3_Lifted2_Lifted1_Mem.used"=>1253912, ""=>2796996}]


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