
An input plugin to ingest OTLP Logs, Metrics, and Traces

The OpenTelemetry plugin allows you to ingest telemetry data as per the OTLP specification, from various OpenTelemetry exporters, the OpenTelemetry Collector, or Calyptia Fluent Bit's OpenTelemetry output plugin.


Important note: Raw traces means that any data forwarded to the traces endpoint (/v1/traces) will be packed and forwarded as a log message, and will NOT be processed by Calyptia Fluent Bit. The traces endpoint by default expects a valid protobuf encoded payload, but you can set the raw_traces option in case you want to get trace telemetry data to any of Calyptia Fluent Bit's supported outputs.

Getting started

The OpenTelemetry plugin currently supports the following telemetry data types:

A sample config file to get started will look something like the following:

	name opentelemetry
	port 4318

	name stdout
	match *

With the above configuration, Calyptia Fluent Bit will listen on port 4318 for data. You can now send telemetry data to the endpoints /v1/metrics, /v1/traces, and /v1/logs for metrics, traces, and logs respectively.

A sample curl request to POST json encoded log data would be:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"resourceLogs":[{"resource":{},"scopeLogs":[{"scope":{},"logRecords":[{"timeUnixNano":"1660296023390371588","body":{"stringValue":"{\"message\":\"dummy\"}"},"traceId":"","spanId":""}]}]}]}'

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