Redhat / CentOS
Install on Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS
Calyptia Fluent Bit is distributed as calyptia-fluent-bit package and is available for the latest stable RHEL and CentOS architectures. The following architectures are supported
aarch64 / arm64v8
For CentOS 9+ we use CentOS Stream as the canonical base system.
Single line install
A simple installation script is provided to be used for most Linux targets. This will always install the most recent version released.
This is purely a convenience helper and should always be validated prior to use. The recommended secure deployment approach is to follow the instructions below.
CentOS 8
CentOS 8 is now EOL so the default Yum repositories are unavailable.
Make sure to configure to use an appropriate mirror, for example:
Signature Check
Calyptia packages are all signed via the calyptia.key that are included as part of your repositories. You can check the signatures by using the built-in rpm tool
Import Calyptia Key**
Check Signature
Configure Yum
We provide calyptia-fluent-bit through a Yum repository. In order to add the repository reference to your system, please add a new file called package-centos.repo_ in /etc/yum.repos.d/ with the following content:
It is best practice to always enable the gpgcheck and repo_gpgcheck for security reasons. We sign our repository metadata as well as all of our packages.
Once your repository is configured, run the following command to install it:
Now the following step is to instruct Systemd to enable the service:
If you do a status check, you should see a similar output like this:
The default configuration of calyptia-fluent-bit is collecting metrics of CPU usage and sending the records to the standard output, you can see the outgoing data in your /var/log/messages file.
Last updated