ECS Metadata

The ECS Filter Enriches logs with AWS Elastic Container Service Metadata. The plugin can enrich logs with task, cluster and container metadata. The plugin uses the ECS Agent introspection API to obtain metadata. This filter only works with the ECS EC2 launch type. The filter only works when Calyptia Fluent Bit is running on an ECS EC2 Container Instance and has access to the ECS Agent introspection API. The filter is not supported on ECS Fargate. To obtain metadata on ECS Fargate, use the built-in FireLens metadata or the AWS for Calyptia Fluent Bit init project.

Configuration Parameters

The plugin supports the following configuration parameters:

Supported Templating Variables for the ADD option

The following template variables can be used for values with the Add option. See the tutorial below for examples.

Configuration File

Example 1: Attach Task ID and cluster name to container logs

    Name                tail
    Tag                 ecs.*
    Path                /var/lib/docker/containers/*/*.log
    Docker_Mode         On
    Docker_Mode_Flush   5
    Docker_Mode_Parser  container_firstline
    Parser              docker
    DB                  /var/fluent-bit/state/flb_container.db
    Mem_Buf_Limit       50MB
    Skip_Long_Lines     On
    Refresh_Interval    10
    Rotate_Wait         30
    storage.type        filesystem
    Read_From_Head      Off

    Name ecs
    Match *
    ECS_Tag_Prefix ecs.var.lib.docker.containers.
    ADD ecs_task_id $TaskID
    ADD cluster $ClusterName

    Name stdout
    Match *
    Format json_lines

The output log should be similar to:

    "log":"some message from your container",
    "ecs_task_id" "1234567890abcdefghijklmnop",
    "cluster": "your_cluster_name",

Example 2: Attach customized resource name to container logs

    Name                tail
    Tag                 ecs.*
    Path                /var/lib/docker/containers/*/*.log
    Docker_Mode         On
    Docker_Mode_Flush   5
    Docker_Mode_Parser  container_firstline
    Parser              docker
    DB                  /var/fluent-bit/state/flb_container.db
    Mem_Buf_Limit       50MB
    Skip_Long_Lines     On
    Refresh_Interval    10
    Rotate_Wait         30
    storage.type        filesystem
    Read_From_Head      Off

    Name ecs
    Match *
    ECS_Tag_Prefix ecs.var.lib.docker.containers.
    ADD resource $ClusterName.$TaskDefinitionFamily.$TaskID.$ECSContainerName

    Name stdout
    Match *
    Format json_lines

The output log would be similar to:

    "log":"some message from your container",
    "resource" "",

Notice that the template variables in the value for the resource key are separated by dot characters. Please see the section below about limitations in which characters can be used to separate template variables.

Example 3: Attach cluster metadata to non-container logs

This examples shows a use case for the Cluster_Metadata_Only option- attaching cluster metadata to ECS Agent logs.

    Name                tail
    Tag                 ecsagent.*
    Path                /var/log/ecs/*
    DB                  /var/fluent-bit/state/flb_ecs.db
    Mem_Buf_Limit       50MB
    Skip_Long_Lines     On
    Refresh_Interval    10
    Rotate_Wait         30
    storage.type        filesystem
    # Collect all logs on instance
    Read_From_Head      On

    Name ecs
    Match *
    Cluster_Metadata_Only On
    ADD cluster $ClusterName

    Name stdout
    Match *
    Format json_lines

Limitations of record_accessor templating

Notice in example 2, that the template values are separated by dot characters. This is important; the Calyptia Fluent Bit record_accessor library has a limitation in the characters that can separate template variables- only dots and commas (. and ,) can come after a template variable. This is because the templating library must parse the template and determine the end of a variable.

The following would be invalid templates because the two template variables are not separated by commas or dots:

  • $TaskID-$ECSContainerName

  • $TaskID/$ECSContainerName

  • $TaskID_$ECSContainerName

  • $TaskIDfooo$ECSContainerName

However, the following are valid:

  • $TaskID.$ECSContainerName

  • $TaskID.ecs_resource.$ECSContainerName

  • $TaskID.fooo.$ECSContainerName

And the following are valid since they only contain one template variable with nothing after it:

  • fooo$TaskID

  • fooo____$TaskID

  • fooo/bar$TaskID

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