S3 Input

S3 Input Source Plugin

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a cloud-based object storage service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). S3 buckets are the primary means of storing data within the S3 service. They are a powerful and flexible cloud-based object storage solution that offers virtually unlimited storage capacity, high durability and availability, and easy integration with a wide range of applications and workflows.

You can use the S3 input Source Plugin to configure your calyptia core pipeline to collect data from your S3 buckets.

Configuration Parameters

The following are configuration Parameters for S3 Input Source Plugin.


AWS Access Key

Enter the AWS access key path: https://docs.calyptia.com/docs/secrets

AWS Secret Key

Enter the AWS secret key path: https://docs.calyptia.com/docs/secrets

AWS Bucket Name

AWS S3 bucket name to fetch logs from (i.e: logs)

AWS Bucket Region

AWS region from where the bucket is. (i.e: us-east1

File Path

Glob format of the logs contained under the bucket. (i.e: /logs/*.log)

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